Home Tax Form N35 S-Corporation Income Tax Return

Form N35 S-Corporation Income Tax Return

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Form N35 S-Corporation Income Tax Return





S corporations doing business in Hawaii can use a form N-35 to document and file their state income tax owed. The document is found on the website of the government of Hawaii.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 1: If not filing on a calendar year basis, enter the beginning and ending dates of your fiscal year.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 2: Give your business name, federal employer identification number, trade name or the name of the person designated in care of all related correspondence, the address, and the business state tax ID number.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 3: Check "Yes" or "no" to indicate if the S corporation only elected to take this status during the tax year being filed for.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 4: Indicate the type of return being filed or the changes it documents with a check mark.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 5: Enter how many months this corporation was business during the tax year in question.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 6: Indicate with a check mark whether the business was in operation at the end of the tax year in question.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 7: Document all income on lines 1 through 5. Note that you must document all goods sold on Schedule A, which is on the third page.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 8: Enter the total of lines 1 through 5 on line 6.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 9: Document your deductions as instructed on lines 7 through 19.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 10: Enter the sum of lines 7 through 19 on line 20.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 11: Subtract line 20 from line 6. Enter the resulting difference on line 21. This is your total income or loss from trade or business activities.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 12: Calculate your tax liability owed or refund due as instructed on lines 22 through 31.


Hawaii S Corporation Income Tax Return N-35 Step 13: An officer should sign and date the bottom of the first page.


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