Home Immigration Form I-134 Affidavit Support

Form I-134 Affidavit Support

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Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, is a document used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to determine whether a visa applicant will become a public charge during their stay in the United States. The document requires the sponsor to pledge financial support for the applicant. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to fill out form I-134 correctly.

Step 1: Download Form I-134

Form I-134 is available for download on the official website of the USCIS. On the website, locate the form and download the PDF version.

Step 2: Read the Instructions Carefully

Before filling out the form, carefully read the instructions provided on the USCIS website. The instructions provide detailed information on how to correctly fill out the form. The instructions also highlight the documents required to be attached to the form.

Step 3: Provide Sponsor Information

The first section of the form requires you to provide information about the sponsoring party. Start by providing your full name, address, and telephone number. Ensure that the information on your form is accurate and matches the information on your other legal documents.

In the next section, provide your date of birth and country of citizenship. If you are a U.S. citizen, provide your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Non-U.S. citizens should provide their passport number and the date it expires.

The “Employment and Income” section requires information on the sponsor’s employment status, including the name and address of the employer, occupation, and annual income. Provide accurate information on the number of dependents you have and their ages.

If you are self-employed, provide the name of your business, your net income, and information on the type of business you run.

Step 4: Provide Applicant Information

The second section of the form requires information about the visa applicant. Provide the full name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a family member, provide details of your relationship to them.

Provide information on the purpose of the visit and the length of stay. If the applicant intends to reside in the U.S. permanently, this form is not the appropriate form for sponsorship.

Step 5: Sign and Date the Form

The sponsor must certify that the information provided in the form is accurate. The form requires the sponsor’s signature and date of signature. The supporting documents should also be signed by the sponsor.

Step 6: Submit Supporting Documents

Form I-134 requires supporting documents to be attached to the form. The supporting documents are used to demonstrate your ability to financially support the applicant. The supporting documents may include:

– Bank statements for the past six months
– A letter from your employer
– A copy of your most recent tax return
– Payroll stubs for the past six months
– Any other documents that demonstrate your ability to financially support the applicant

Ensure that the supporting documents are photocopies of the originals unless stated otherwise.

Step 7: Mail or Hand-Deliver the Completed Form

Once you have completed the form and attached all the required documents, sign and date the form. You can then either mail or hand-deliver the completed form to the applicant. The applicant will need to take the form and supporting documents to the visa interview.


Form I-134 is an important document used to demonstrate a sponsor’s ability to financially support a visa applicant. It is important that the information provided on the form is accurate and consistent with other documents submitted in the visa application. Ensure that you read the instructions provided on the USCIS website before filling out the form. Use this step-by-step guide to correctly fill out form I-134 and maximize your chances of a successful visa application.


Form I-134 is a form filled out by people sponsoring an alien who is not their immediate relative or employee who wishes to enter the United States but is deemed likely to become a public charge. This form, provided by the Department of Homeland Security, is filled out by someone certifying they will take financial responsibility for the alien in question.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 1: Enter your name and address at the top of the form.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 2: Enter your birthdate and the location of your birth in America. If not an American-born citizen, enter the identification number applicable to you.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 3: In line 2, enter your age and the date when you began living in the United States.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 4: Enter the name, gender, age, address and the nationality of the person you are filling out the form on behalf of. List the same information of spouses or children accompanying them.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 5: Read sections 4 through 6. Confirm you understand the obligations they confer.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 6: In section 7, enter your occupation and the name and address of your business.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 7: Enter your annual income, the amount of money you have deposited in American banks, the value of your property and the value of your life insurance. List the value of any stocks and bonds and attach a full list.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 8: List the names, ages, genders and relationship to you of all dependants in section 8.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 9: In section 9, list the names of any people you have previously filled out an I-134 for, along with the date of the application.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 10: In section 10, list any people you have submitted visa applications on behalf of, and the submission dates.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 11: In section 11, note whether you intend to provide contributions to the alien in question, such as room and board. Detail these if applicable.

Affidavit of Support For Aliens I-134 Step 12: Sign and date the form.

Download the PDF file .

Understanding Form I-134 Affidavit of Support: A Comprehensive Guide


Immigrating to the United States is a dream for many individuals around the world. However, the U.S. government has established certain financial requirements to ensure that immigrants will not become public charges and can support themselves financially. Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, is a crucial document in the U.S. immigration process. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of Form I-134, its purpose, who needs it, how to complete it, and what responsibilities it entails for the sponsor.

 Section 1: What is Form I-134?

Form I-134, officially titled the “Affidavit of Support,” is a document issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This form is used to establish that a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) is willing and financially able to support a foreign national coming to the United States temporarily. This support is crucial because it ensures that the immigrant will not become a public charge and will have the means to cover their basic living expenses.

 Section 2: When is Form I-134 Required?

Form I-134 is typically required when a foreign national is seeking a nonimmigrant visa to enter the United States for a specific purpose. The most common scenarios in which Form I-134 is necessary include:

  1. Tourist Visa (B-2): If someone wishes to visit the United States for tourism, medical treatment, or to visit family or friends, they may be required to submit Form I-134 as part of their visa application.
  1. Fiancé(e) Visa (K-1): U.S. citizens who intend to marry foreign nationals must file Form I-134 to demonstrate their financial ability to support their fiancé(e) during their stay in the United States.
  1. Student Visa (F-1) or Exchange Visitor Visa (J-1): In some cases, individuals applying for student or exchange visitor visas may need a sponsor to guarantee their financial support while in the U.S., and Form I-134 can be used for this purpose.
  1. Business Visa (B-1): Visitors coming to the U.S. for business purposes may also be asked to provide Form I-134 to show they have financial support during their stay.
  1. Medical Treatment Visa (B-2): Individuals coming to the U.S. for medical treatment often need to submit Form I-134 to prove they have the means to cover their medical expenses.
  1. Other Nonimmigrant Visa Categories: Depending on the specific visa category, individuals may need to submit Form I-134 as evidence of financial support.

It’s important to note that Form I-134 is not used for family-sponsored immigration or employment-based immigration. In those cases, different forms, such as Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA, are typically required.

 Section 3: Who Can Be a Sponsor?

A sponsor, in the context of Form I-134, is a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who is willing to financially support the foreign national during their temporary stay in the United States. To be eligible to serve as a sponsor, the individual must meet certain requirements:

  1. U.S. Citizenship or Green Card Holder: The sponsor must be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident (green card holder).
  1. At Least 18 Years Old: Sponsors must be at least 18 years old to legally sign an affidavit.
  1. Domiciled in the United States: The sponsor must reside in the United States and have a physical address. Proof of domicile, such as a driver’s license or utility bills, may be required.
  1. Sufficient Income or Assets: Sponsors must demonstrate that they have sufficient income or assets to support the foreign national. This typically involves providing proof of income through tax returns, pay stubs, or bank statements. In cases where income is insufficient, assets such as property or savings can be used to meet the financial requirements.
  1. Willingness to Assume Financial Responsibility: By signing Form I-134, the sponsor is legally committing to providing financial support to the foreign national if necessary. This means they are responsible for covering the immigrant’s basic living expenses.

 Section 4: Completing Form I-134

Form I-134 is a straightforward document, consisting of several sections that must be completed accurately. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to complete the form:

 Step 1: Download the Latest Version

Visit the official USCIS website (www.uscis.gov) to download the most recent version of Form I-134. USCIS periodically updates its forms, so using the latest version is crucial.

 Step 2: Read the Instructions

Before you begin filling out the form, carefully read the accompanying instructions. These instructions provide valuable guidance on how to complete each section correctly.

 Step 3: Provide Sponsor Information

Section 1 of the form requires the sponsor to provide their personal information, including:

– Full name

– Address

– Date of birth

– Place of birth

– Social Security Number (if applicable)

 Step 4: Provide Information About the Immigrant

Section 2 of the form asks for details about the foreign national the sponsor is supporting. This includes their:

– Full name

– Date of birth

– Place of birth

– Address abroad

 Step 5: Provide Information About the Immigrant’s Family

In this section (Section 3), you will need to provide information about the immigrant’s family members, including their spouse and children.

 Step 6: Provide Sponsor’s Employment Information

Section 4 requires the sponsor to provide details about their employment, including:

– Occupation

– Employer’s name and address

– Work history

– Annual income

– Other sources of income (if applicable)

 Step 7: Indicate the Immigrant’s Travel Plans

In Section 5, the sponsor should provide information about the immigrant’s intended travel plans, including:

– Purpose of travel

– Proposed date of travel

– Length of stay in the U.S.

– Immigrant’s address in the U.S. (if known)

 Step 8: Sign the Affidavit

At the bottom of the form, the sponsor must sign and date the affidavit. This signature represents a legal commitment to provide financial support to the immigrant.

 Step 9: Gather Supporting Documents

In addition to the completed Form I-134, sponsors should gather supporting documents to strengthen their affidavit. These may include:

– Proof of income: Tax returns, W-2 forms, pay stubs, or a letter from the employer.

– Proof of U.S. citizenship or green card status: A copy of the sponsor’s U.S. passport, birth certificate, or green card.

– Proof of domicile: Documents showing the sponsor’s U.S. residence, such as a driver’s license or utility bills.

– Proof of assets: If income alone does not meet the financial requirements, the sponsor can provide evidence of assets, such as bank statements or property deeds.

 Step 10: Assemble the Application Package

Compile all the necessary documents, including the completed Form I-134 and supporting materials, into a neat and organized application package.

 Step 11: Mail the Application

Check the USCIS website for the most up-to-date

Use of Form I-134 and Supporting Documentation

Form I-134, also known as the Affidavit of Support, is a legal document required by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for certain visa applications. The purpose of the form is to show that a person or organization is financially able to support a foreign national who wishes to visit or reside in the United States temporarily. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Form I-134 and supporting documentation, including who needs to file, what information is required, and how to fill out the form correctly.

Who Needs to File Form I-134?

Form I-134 is required for certain nonimmigrant visa categories, including the B-1/B-2 visitor visa, F-1 student visa, J-1 exchange visitor visa, K-1 fiancé(e) visa, and certain employment-based visas. The form is not required for immigrant visas or for permanent residency (green card) applications.

The purpose of the form is to demonstrate that the visa applicant will not become a public charge while in the United States and that a sponsor is willing to support the applicant financially during their stay.

Information Required on Form I-134

Form I-134 requires specific information about the sponsor and the visa applicant. The following information is required:

1. Sponsor Information:

– Name, address, and telephone number
– Date of birth and country of citizenship
– U.S. Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
– Occupation, employer’s name and address, and annual income
– Number of dependents, if any, and their ages
– If the sponsor is self-employed, the business name, type of business, and net income of the business

2. Applicant Information:

– Name and address
– Date of birth and country of citizenship
– Relationship to sponsor
– Purpose of the visit to the United States
– Length and dates of the visit
– Proposed address in the United States during the visit

In addition to the above information, the sponsor must provide evidence of their ability to financially support the visa applicant. This includes bank statements, tax returns, and other financial documents showing that the sponsor meets the income requirement to support the applicant during their stay in the United States. The income requirement varies depending on the number of dependents the sponsor has and the state they live in.

Filling Out Form I-134 Correctly

Filling out Form I-134 correctly is essential to ensure that the sponsoring party demonstrates adequate financial ability to support the visa applicant. Below are some tips on how to fill out the form correctly:

1. Fill out the form completely and accurately. Ensure that all fields are completed, and all required information is included.

2. Provide all supporting documentation requested on the form. This may include tax returns, bank statements, and employment verification letters.

3. Make sure the information provided is consistent with other information in the visa application. For example, if the purpose of the visit is to attend a conference, the documentation should reflect this purpose.

4. Sign and date the form. The sponsor must sign and date the form to certify that the information provided is true and accurate.

5. Send the completed form and supporting documentation to the visa applicant. The applicant will need to present the form and supporting documentation at the visa interview.


Form I-134 is an essential legal document required for certain nonimmigrant visa applications. The purpose of the form is to demonstrate that the visa applicant will not become a public charge while in the United States and that a sponsor is willing to support the applicant financially during their stay. To fill out the form correctly, it is essential to provide all required information and supporting documentation accurately and consistently with other information in the visa application. By completing the form correctly, the sponsoring party can demonstrate their ability to support the visa applicant and increase the likelihood of a successful visa application.