Home Annulment


Petition for Dissolution (no children)



Spouses who wish to file for divorce in Montana without children may represent themselves in court. This document discusses the Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) to be filed in such instances. This form may be obtained from the website of the Montana Courts system.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 1: At the top left corner of the page, enter your full name and address. Enter the number and county of the court hearing your case. Enter your name above "Petitioner" and your spouse's above "Respondent."

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 2: In sections one and two, enter the name, address, age, date of birth, occupation, and length of residency in both their county and the state of Montana for both spouses.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 3: In sections three and four, give the date and location of the marriage, or indicate that you are in a common law marriage. Give the date on which you separated if applicable.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 4: In section five, indicate the type of jurisdiction authorizing this court to hear your case.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 5: In section six, indicate whether there are no children, no minor children, or no children within the court's jurisdiction involved in this case. In section seven, indicate if the wife is either not pregnant or pregnant with another man's child.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 6: Sections nine through twelve require you to detail separate and mutual assets and debts and indicate your wishes as to how these should be divided.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 7: In section thirteen, indicate whether the wife or husband wishes for the wife to have her premarital last name restored.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 8: In section fourteen, indicate any other information you wish for the court to be aware of.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 9: On the next to last page, write in any rulings you request where indicated. Sign and date this page.

Montana Petition For Dissolution (No Children) Step 10: The last page must be signed in front of a licensed notary public.

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