Form 82354 Request to Combine Common Area Parcel Numbers
To request advice from the court in a Connecticut foreclosure case, a form JD-CV-100 should be filed. This document can be obtained from the website of the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 1: In the first blank box, enter the name of the case.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 2: In the next blank box, enter the judicial district.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 3: In the next blank box, enter the docket number.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 4: In the next blank box, enter the seller or committee's name.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 5: In the next blank box, enter the seller or committee's juris number.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 6: In the next blank box, enter the seller or committee's address.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 7: In the next blank box, enter the seller or committee's telephone number.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 8: In the next blank box, if applicable, the buyer's name. If not, skip the next five blank boxes.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 9: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's telephone number.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 10: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's address.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 11: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's attorney.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 12: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's attorney's juris number, if applicable.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 13: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's attorney's address.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 14: In the next blank box, if applicable, enter the buyer's attorney's telephone number.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 15: In the next blank box, enter the address or location of the property in question.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 16: Write the reason for which are seeking the court's advice.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Advice JD-CV-100 Step 17: The seller or committee should sign and date the form. Also complete the certification section below concerning sending copies of this document to all relevant parties.
As part of the process of petitioning an Arizona property tax assessment based on the income approach to value, a form 82300 affidavit concerning income and expense data related to the property for the last three years should be filed. A form 82300-7 is a supplemental form that should be filed if the property in question is an industrial park, manufacturing warehouse or distribution warehouse. Both forms can be found on the website of the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 1: Indicate with a check mark whether the property is an industrial park, manufacturing warehouse or distribution warehouse.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 2: Enter the property name, its county, book, map and parcel numbers, gross square feet and net leasable square feet.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 3: Indicate the type of lease with a check mark.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 4: Enter the percentage of the property which is office space as a percentage or in square feet.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 5: Indicate whether the property owner occupies part of the space. If so, give the percentage or square feet occupied by the owner.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 6: In the next section, document potential charges to tenants as instructed.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 7: At the bottom of the first page, provide an income data summary for the last three years as directed. Additional information and remarks may also be entered here.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 8: On the second page, document your actual expenses for the last three years as instructed.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 9: Skip to the third page and document your major replace/repair costs for the last three years as instructed. Transfer these values to the second page where indicated.
Arizona Income And Expense – Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution Warehouse Supplement 82300-7 Step 10: Document your tenants on the fourth page.
In Connecticut foreclosure cases where a buyer has acquired possession of property which has not been vacated by the defendants, a form JD-CV-101 should be filed to request possession. This document can be obtained from the website of the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 1: Enter the name of the case in the first blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 2: Enter the judicial district in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 3: Enter the docket number in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 4: Enter the seller or committee's name in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 5: Enter the seller or committee's juris number in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 6: Enter the seller or committee's address in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 7: Enter the seller or committee's telephone number in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 8: Enter the buyer's name in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 9: Enter the buyer's address in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 10: Enter the buyer's attorney's name in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 11: Enter the buyer's attorney's juris number in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 12: Enter the buyer's attorney's address in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 13: Enter the buyer's attorney's telephone number in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 14: Enter the property address or location in the next blank box.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 15: Enter the names of all defendants who are in possession of the property and do not intend to vacate in section 2.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 16: Enter your signature and the date where indicated.
Connecticut Foreclosure Motion For Possession JD-CV-101 Step 17: Complete the bottom part of this form to certify that copies of this motion have been delivered to all involved parties and attorneys.