Home Bankruptcy


Schedule A – Real Property


Introduction to the Form B-6A Schedule A- Real Property

The Form B-6A Schedule A is a bankruptcy form associated with all forms of real property that you may own. The form requires you to list all real property in which you have any legal, equitable or future interest, including all property owned as a co-tenant, community property, or in which you have a life estate. Additionally, the form will require you to list any property in which you hold rights and powers exercisable for your own benefit. If you filing the form as a married individual, you are required to state whether the husband, wife or both of you own the property by placing the letter “H” “W”, “J”, or “C” in the column labeled “Husband, Wife, Joint or Community.” If you hold no interest in real property, write “None” under the box labeled “Description and Location of Property.”

The appropriate forms necessary with regard to your Bankruptcy filing or claim; bankruptcy is a legal classification applicable to financial circumstances and situations within which individuals or entities are considered to be financially insoluble – this classification implies that the respective debt incurred outweighs the total value of assets and monies in the possession of that individual or entity. 

Accessing the Form B-6A Schedule A- Real Property

Typically, you will be required to furnish your Form B-6A Schedule A- Real Property – in addition to any or all supplemental forms – to the bankruptcy court applicable to the jurisdiction within which you reside; upon contacting your jurisdictional bankruptcy court, you can access a Form B-6A Schedule A.

The Form B-6A Schedule A- Real Property Filing Process

The Form B-6A Schedule A contains only 1 page; the document is divided into 5 columns that will require you to answer questions concerning your real property. Column 1 will inquire as to the description and location of your property, column 2 will ask the nature of your interest in the property, column C, as previously stated will require you to label the type of filing, Column D will inquire as to the current value of your interest in the property minus any secured claims or exemptions that may exist; and lastly, Column E will ask the amount your secured claim.

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