Form I-130 Petition for Alien Relative
An N-400 form is a document used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for an application for naturalization. The form is used to apply for citizenship in the United States by foreign nationals.
In this case, we are using the N-400 form provided by the Department of Homeland Security. Examples of the N-400 form can be found online or through a Department of Homeland Security office.
The first step in completing the form is to put your USCIS number in the top right box on every page of the application.
1. Next, supply your legal name and the information on your permanent resident card exactly as it appears. Provide any name changes or other names you have used.
2. Indicate your eligibility for naturalization in part 2.
3. In part 3, you need to fill out personal information, including your social security number, birth date, date of residency, the citizenship status of relatives, marriage status, and any disabilities that will preclude you from taking the English and U.S. history test.
4. In part 4, supply your contact information and mailing address.
5. For part 5, you will need to include personal characteristics of yourself for a criminal background check. Indicate your gender, height, weight, race, hair, and eye color.
6. In part 6, you must supply your residence and employment history. Include all residences, education, and employment in the past 5 years. If you need to attach additional information, you may do so by using a blank sheet of paper and attaching it to your N-400 Form.
7. For part 7, indicate the amount of time you have spent outside of the United States in the past 5 years. If you have not left the United States in that time period, you still need to fill out the sections by putting zeros in the appropriate boxes.
8. Part 8 requires a detailed history of marriage. Supply information of all marriages and your spouses’ family history. If you have never been married, skip to the next section.
9. In part 9, you must supply detailed information of all children you have had. State their names, date of birth, USCIS number, country of origin, and address. Include all children whether they live with you or not.
10. Part 10 requires you to answer numerous questions pertaining to your background and family history. Answer them to the best of your ability and be truthful.
11. Certify and sign all sections on the last page, indicating your oath of allegiance, a signature of the person who prepared the form, and your signature at their interview.
Resident permanent aliens are required to have a green card certifying their status. This card expires every 10 years and must be renewed. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) division of the Department of Homeland Security processes requests for replacements of expired or missing cards or who otherwise requires replacement of an existing document. This form is not for the use of those in the United States on a conditional basis to extend their status. The document can be obtained from the USCIS website.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 1: Indicate whether you are a permanent resident, a permanent resident with "commuter" status, or a "conditional permanent resident" seeking a replacement of that residency card.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 2: Indicate the reason you are seeking a replacement of your card next to the appropriate. Theft of the card, its imminent expiration within six months and other applicable reasons are listed.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 3: Under "Processing Information," list your parents' names, the city and embassy or USCIS office where your visa was submitted and approved, and whether you have ever been ordered to be removed from the United States. If you indicate that you have ever faced legal problems in the United States, a page is included with the form for you to provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances. If you first entered the country as an immigrant, indicate where and when you were admitted.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 4: If you are requesting accommodation for disability, indicate the type of disability and assistance you need. For example, those unable to travel because of medical care may be visited by a USCIS official to help them complete the applicable forms.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 5: Sign and date the form. Include your daytime telephone number.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 6: If you are preparing the form on behalf of another person, sign and date the form below them. Attorneys or formal legal representatives must include a completed form G-28 along with this application.
Application To Replace Permanent Resident Card Step 7: Submit the form either in paper form or via email to USCIS at the address indicated in their instructions.