Home Bankruptcy Small Business Monthly Operating Report

Small Business Monthly Operating Report

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Businesses which obtain Chapter 11 bankruptcy are granted the opportunity to reorganize their assets and manage their debts. Any small business undergoing this process is required to file monthly reports informing the court of the progress of their business. The form can be obtained from the website of the Department of Justice.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 1: At the top of the form, enter the name of the business and the case number assigned to you.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 2: Fill in the month you are filing a report concerning, the date you are completing the report, the nature of and  North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) number describing your business.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 3: Complete the question of 18 questions asking about various aspects of business operations. Check the "yes" or "no" box as appropriate.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 4: Under the section headed "Taxes," respond yes or no as to whether you have past due taxes. If yes, provide a written explanation.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 5: The next two sections require you to list your total income, cash on hand and expenses. Trustees in charge of handling Chapter 11 may exempt you from the requirement of listing transactions separately.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 6: Under "Cash Profit," subtract your total expenses from your income to determine how much your business has made in monthly net gross.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 7: The next two lists require you to detail all unpaid bills and money which you are owed by others. Trustees may exempt you from the requirement of listing these individually.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 8: Attach a copy of your latest bank statement.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 9: Note how many employees you currently have and how many you had when Chapter 11 began.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 10: List all professional fees paid.

Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 11: List your actual income and expenses for the month as opposed to the projected numbers given at the beginning of Chapter 11 proceedings.


Small Business Monthly Operating Report Step 12: Have your lawyer sign the document. Submit copies to the clerk of your bankruptcy court and your trustee.

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