Home Tax Form NE-1120X Amended Corporation Income Tax Return

Form NE-1120X Amended Corporation Income Tax Return

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Nebraska corporations which need to amend an initially filed tax return do so with a state form 1120XN. This document can be found on the website of the Nebraska Department of Revenue.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 1: At the top of the form, enter the beginning and ending dates of the tax year for which you are filing.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 2: Give your business trade name, address, state identification number and federal identification number. 


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 3: In box A, indicate with a check mark if you are filing an amended federal return. If so, attach a copy. In box B, indicate with a check mark if your original federal return has been altered by the IRS. If so, identify the office. In box C, indicate with a check mark if you are filing this amended return to claim a carryback of a net operating or capital loss. If so, give the year of the loss. In box D, indicate with a check mark if you are filing this amended return because you have been notified of an audit concerning your original filed return.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 4: Questions E through H require information about your corporation filing status.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 5: Complete lines 1 through 4 below. Three columns must be completed throughout the first page. In column A, give your originally reported figure. In column B, give the net change between the original and amended figures. In column C, give your amended figures.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 6: Transfer line 4 to line 1 on the second page. Skip to lines 8 through 13 below and follow the instructions to complete them. Transfer the value from line 13 to line 4 on the second page. Complete lines 5 through 7. Transfer line 7 from the second page to line 5 on the first page.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 7: Complete lines 6 through 32 on the first page to determine your balance or refund due.


Amended Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return 1120XN Step 8: Attach a complete explanation of all changes. Sign and date the bottom of the second page.

Download the PDF file .