Home Tax Form K-40 Kansas Individual Income Tax

Form K-40 Kansas Individual Income Tax

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Kansas residents, part-year residents and nonresidents file their state income tax due using a form K-40. This document is found on the website of the Kansas Department of Revenue.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 1: At the top lefthand corner, give your name, as well as that of your spouse if filing jointly. Enter your mailing address, school district number and county abbreviation.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 2: If your name or address has changed since your previous return or your spouse died during the previous tax year, place an "x"in the boxes where indicated.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 3: At the top righthand corner, enter the first four letters of your last name in capital letters and Social Security number. Do the same for your spouse if filing jointly. Also enter your daytime telephone number.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 4: If you are filing an amended return, indicate with a check mark whether your amendments only affect your Kansas returns, whether you have filed an amended federal return, or whether you are filing an amended return as the result of an IRS audit.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 5: Indicate your filing status with an X.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 6: Indicate your residency status with an X.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 7: Note the total number of exemptions claimed. If claiming dependents, give their names, dates of birth, relationship to you and Social Security numbers.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 8: The bottom of the page is a food sales tax qualification section. Only full-year residents are eligible for this type of refund.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 9: Document your income as instructed on lines 1 through 3.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 10: Document your deductions on lines 4 through 7. Compute your taxes as instructed on lines 8 through 12.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 11: Document your credits on lines 13 through 17 and any use tax owed on lines 18 and 19.


Kansas Individual Income Tax K-40 Step 12: Document taxes withheld from wages and payments made on lines 20 through 27 and compute your balance due on lines 28 through 32. If you have overpaid, complete lines 33 through 39 to compute your refund due.

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