Home Tax Form D-400X-WS Worksheet for Amending a 2010 Individual Income Tax Return

Form D-400X-WS Worksheet for Amending a 2010 Individual Income Tax Return

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Form D-400X-WS Worksheet for Amending a 2010 Individual Income Tax Return





To file an amended North Carolina individual income tax return using a D-400X form, you must also complete the worksheet accompanying this document. This form D-400X-WS can be found on the website of the North Carolina Department of Revenue. This article discusses the version of the form made available for tax year 2010.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 1: Enter your Social Security number, and, if filing jointly, that of your spouse.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 2: Enter your first name, middle initial and last name, as well as the same information for your spouse if filing a joint a return.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 3: Enter your street address, apartment number (if applicable), city, state, zip code and county or, if out of the country, country.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 4: Indicate whether this address is different from the one shown on your original return.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 5: Fill in the circle next to the statement describing why you are filing an amended return.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 6: Two columns must be completed for all lines. In column A, enter figures as they were originally reported or last adjusted. In column B, enter the amended figures. Enter your total income tax from form D-400 on line 1 and your tax credits from the same form on line 2.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 7: Subtract line 2 from line 1. Enter the resulting difference on line 3.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 8: Complete lines 4 through 17 as directed to determine your tax owed or refund due.


North Carolina Worksheet For Amending A 2010 Individual Income Tax Return D-400X-WS Step 9: In part 2 on the second page, provide a detailed, written explanation of all changes. Sign and date the bottom of the second page, along with your spouse if applicable.

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