Home Tax Form 4506-T Request for Transcript of Tax Return

Form 4506-T Request for Transcript of Tax Return

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Form 4506-T Request for Transcript of Tax Return


The 4506-T Form is a United States Internal Revenue Service tax form used for ordering transcripts or past tax return information from the I.R.S free of charge.  The form is often used when seeking a loan as proof of income.  

The 4506-T Form can be obtained through the I.R.S' website or by obtaining the documents through a local tax office.  

The tax return request form is a one page form which asks for your basic information.

1. In box 1, provide your name or the name of the individual who is requesting a copy of their tax return.  For this taxpayer, put their social security number in box 1B. 

2. If the tax return was filed jointly, it is required that you have the joint filer's name and social security number, which must be supplied in box 2.  Their social security number must also be entered in box 2B.

3. Put your current mailing address in box 3.  Ensure that it is a complete address, as this is where your requested transcript will be sent. 

4. If the address on your tax return is different than your current address, put your address as it would appear on your tax return in box 4.

5. You can use the 4506-T Form to supply a third party with your tax return.  If this is what you want to do and have the transcript sent directly to the third party, supply the third party's name, address, and telephone number in box 5. 

6. On line 6, you must select the type of tax return which you are requesting, such as a 1040 return, 1065 return, or 1120 return.  

7. You must next select the type of transcript you want to receive, which can be an account transcript, a return transcript, or a record of account.  Each has different information and format, so ensure you select the form you need. 

8. For each 4506-T Form, you can request up to four years of tax returns.  If you need more than 4 years, you must file an additional 4506-T Form.

9. Sign and date the bottom of the form.  If jointly filed, the other filer must sign and date as well. 

10. Your form is now ready to be submitted to the IRS.  Keep a copy for your records.  

Download the PDF file .