Oregon non-profit businesses which wish to receive a property tax exemption must file a form 150-310-088. This application for a property tax exemption can be found on the website of the state of Oregon's Department of Revenue.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 1: At the top of the page, enter the name of your business, the mailing address, telephone number and email address.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 2: The next section requires you to place a check mark to the reason for which you are seeking an exemption. Listed reasons that qualify nonprofits include waste water and sewage facilities, fraternal, religious and charitable organizations and child care facilities.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 3: Attach your articles of incorporation, by-laws, and proof that your business has been certified as a non-profit.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 4: Under "Property Description," enter the property account number as shown on your property tax statement, and physical address. List all real property for which you are seeking an exemption.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 5: Indicate whether a check mark whether you are seeking an exemption for personal property located on the real property in question. If so, attach a list detailing each item, including the cost and purchase date.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 6: Under "Property Use," describe the purpose of your nonprofit and how you intend to use the property.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 7: Indicate with a check mark whether there are parking facilities. List the fee charged for use. Indicate with a check mark whether any portion of this property is used by or leased to others. If yes, write how many square feet are used by others and provide a written explanation, including the use made of this section of the property.
Oregon Application For Real And Personal Property Exemption 150-310-088 Step 8: If you are filing late, indicate with a check mark that you have attached payment for this. The president, officer, head official or authorized delegate must print and sign their name, as well as providing the date, a telephone number, and their title.