Home Tax Form PA-29 Permanent Application for Property Tax Credit-Exemption

Form PA-29 Permanent Application for Property Tax Credit-Exemption

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Form PA-29 Permanent Application for Property Tax Credit-Exemption



Residents of New Hampshire who are military veterans, their spouses or surviving spouses, disabled, blind or deaf may apply for a permanent property tax exemption by filing a form PA-29. This form can also be filed if the property has solar, wind-powered or woodheating energy systems installed. This form is found on the website of the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 1: In section one, give the name of the property owner (or owners if jointly owned by two spouses), a mailing address, and the address of the property in question.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 2: Section two should only be completed if a veteran, their spouse or a surviving spouse if applying. On line one, give the name of the veteran. 


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 3: On lines two and three, give the starting and ending dates of their military service.  On line four, indicate what type of veteran exemption you are seeking with a check mark. If you are filing as a veteran of an allied country, complete lines five through eight instead.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 4: In lines nine and ten, indicate if any other veteran or their surviving has interest in this property.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 5: Section three is for those applying for exemptions on a basis other than being a veteran. Line 11 is for applicants who are 65 or older. Line 12 is for the disabled or those applying for a credit based on their source of energy.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 6: In section four, indicate with a check mark whether improvement have been made to the property for the benefit of the disabled or deaf.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 7: In section five, check the statement which describes your residency status. In section six, indicate if you own 100% of the property or write what percent you own.


New Hampshire Permanent Application For Property Tax Credit/Exemptions PA-29 Step 8: Sign and date section seven. 

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