Home Tax Surety Bond Acknowledgement 2013

Surety Bond Acknowledgement 2013

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Businesses required to post a surety bond under title 32 of the Nevada Revised Statutes use the form discussed in this article to document their taking this action. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Nevada Department of Taxation.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 1: Enter the bond number on the first blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 2: Enter the names of the principal and surety official completing the form on the second blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 3: Enter the name of the company on the third blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 4: Enter the title of the surety official on the fourth blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 5: Enter the state under whose laws you were organized on the fifth blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 6: Enter the dollar amount of the surety bond on the sixth blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 7: Enter the date on the next three blank lines.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 8: In the box provided, enter the name of your resident agent on the first blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 9: Enter the resident agent's street address on the second blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 10: Enter the resident agent's city, state and zip code on the third blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 11: Enter the resident agent's telephone number on the fourth blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 12: Enter the signature of the principal on the next blank line. 


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 13: Enter the signature of the surety on the next blank line.


Nevada Surety Bond Posted To Secure Performance Under Title 32 Step 14: Complete the second page as instructed.


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