Home Tax Form 62A023 Applicaton for Exemption from Property Taxation

Form 62A023 Applicaton for Exemption from Property Taxation

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Form 62A023 Applicaton for Exemption from Property Taxation



Organizations which are religious, charitable, educational, or those which manage public property or a burial ground may file a form 62A023 to obtain a property tax exemption. This form can be obtained from the website of the Kentucky Department of Revenue.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 1: On the first page, give your name, the location of the property in question, a mailing address if different, your email address, a brief explanation of your company's major activities, the state in which you are incorporated,  and the counties in which your property is located.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 2: Indicate with a check mark the type of exemption you are seeking.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 3: Sign and print your name at the bottom of the same page. Provide your workplace phone number, the date and your cell phone number.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 4: On page two, question one asks who the property's legal owner is. You must list all owners and detail the size of their interest or stake in the property.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 5: Question two asks when the property was acquired, while question three asks. You must attach a copy of the deed pictures of all property interiors and exteriors.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 6: Question four asks your organization has ever received state or federal exemptions. If yes, explain and provide documentation as directed.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 7: Questions five through seven require you to provide various information about your company's workers.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 8: Questions eight through 10 concern uses of the property.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 9: Questions 11 through 17 concern various aspects of your business' finances.


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 10: You must attach copies of detailed financial statements for the last two most recent accounting periods, as well as copies of your articles of incorporation, bylaws, amendments, and any other information you wish to make available. 


Kentucky Application For Exemption From Property Taxation 62A023 Step 11: Questions 20 through 22 are only for religious organizations.

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