Home Tax Form 1154001 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim

Form 1154001 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim

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Form 1154001 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim



Iowa households whose total annual income is not in excess of $20,906 may apply for a refund for part or all of property taxes paid on a homestead which you own or rent. This form is found on the website of the state of Iowa and is to be filed with your county treasurer.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 1: At the top of the page, enter your name, Social Security number, date of birth, county number and address. Provide identifying information for your spouse if you file your taxes jointly.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 2: Questions one through seven concern your eligibility for this credit. Line one asks if you filed this claim last year. 


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 3: Question two asks whether you were either age 65 or older or disabled in the past year.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 4: Question three asks whether you are an Iowa resident.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 5: Question four asks if you were a nursing home resident in the past year. If so, indicate whether you are renting your home.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 6: Questions five through seven concern the ownership and any rental uses of your property.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 7: Questions eight through 18 require you to detail all household sources of income. Question eight requires you to enter the total of all income earned from wages, tips, salaries and similar sources.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 8: Question nine inquires about the total of in-kind assistance received for housing expenses. Question 10 concerns Title 19 benefits awarded for housing expenses. 


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 9: Question 11 concerns Social Security income. Question 12 concerns disability income. Question 13 concerns pension and annuity income.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 10: Question 14 concerns interest and dividend income. Question 15 concerns profit from businesses as well as farming and capital gains.


Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim 54-001a Step 11: Question 16 concerns income received from those living with you. Question 17 concerns all other income. Total questions eight through 17 and enter the result in response to question 18. Sign and date the form and give your telephone number.


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