Home Tax ARW-4MS Tax Exemption Certificate for Military Spouse

ARW-4MS Tax Exemption Certificate for Military Spouse

ARW-4MS Tax Exemption Certificate for Military Spouse





Military spouses claiming an exemption from Arkansas withholding tax must file a form ARW-4MS on an annual basis with their employer. This document can be obtained from the website of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 1: Enter the tax year for which you are filing.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 2: In the first box of section I, enter your name. 


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 3: In the second box, enter your Social Security number.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 4: In the third box, enter the name of your military servicemember spouse. 


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 5: In the fourth box, enter your spouse's Social Security number.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 6: In the fifth box, enter your current street address, city, state and zip code.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 7: In the sixth box, enter the domicile of your spouse.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 8: Indicate your qualification for tax exemption in Section II by checking "Yes" or "No" in response to each statement concerning eligibility.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 9: In section III, indicate with a check mark whether or not you wish to opt out of this exemption.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 10: Sign and date Section IV, as well as providing your phone number.


Arkansas Annual Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate For Military Spouse ARW-4MS Step 11: Before giving this certificate to your employer, make a copy for your records. A copy of this form should be maintained by your employer along with your personnel records. Note that when filing, you must also provide a copy of your spouse's most recent Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), which will also be kept with your personnel records. The employer is responsible for verifying that the same location is reported for the spouse on form ARW-4MS and the most recent LES form.

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