Home Tax Form 706N Nebraska Estate Tax Return

Form 706N Nebraska Estate Tax Return





When a resident or nonresident dies in the state of Nebraska, the estate tax owed can be filed using a form 706N. This form is found on the website of the Nebraska Department of Revenue.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 1: With a check mark, indicate whether a federal form 706, 706NA or 706-QDT was filed.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 2: Enter the name of the decedent, their city and state and the time of death, their date of death, their Social Security number, the county court where the will was probated or the estate was administered, and the case number assigned.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 3: The personal representative or attorney representing the estate should enter their name, address and telephone number.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 4: Enter the name and address of the person who should receive a certificate of payment.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 5: On line 1, enter the federal value of the taxable estate. Line 2 is filled in already.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 6: Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter the difference on line 3. If the result is less than zero, enter "-0-."


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 7: Consult the instructions on the next page to determine the appropriate tax to be entered on line 4.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 8: Enter the maximum state death tax credit from the federal return on line 5.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 9: Enter the larger value from line 4 or 5 on line 6.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 10: Enter the gross value of all transferred property outside Nebraska on line 7, and the gross value of all transferred property inside the state on line 8. Enter the sum of lines 7 and 8 on line 9.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 11: Lines 10 and 11 are for resident decedents only.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 12: Line 12 is for nonresident decedents only.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 13: Calculate the tax owed as instructed on lines 13 through 20.


Nebraska Estate Tax Return 706N Step 14: The personal representative, fiduciary, executor, taxpayer, trustee, attorney or designated filer should sign and date the form.

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