All Alabama businesses must submit an annual return to the state department of revenue documenting their personal property. This form ADV-40 can be found on the website of the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 1: Enter the business telephone number at the top of the first page. Enter the name of the business owner and their mailing address, the name under which business is conducted and its address, the name of the landowner, the business type and the date on which the business was established.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 2: Section six requires you to give the cost of supplies and materials used in the course of business operation that are taxable and not for sale, such as office supplies.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 3: Section seven asks if you have motor vehicles with specialized add-on equipment, such as cement drums, whose cost can be separated from the vehicles. If yes, complete Part A. If not, complete Part B. When completing Parts A or B, give a description of the item, the purchase date, and the cost of furniture, fixtures, computers, equipment, motor vehicles which are unlicensed, machinery and add-on equipment.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 4: Section eight asks if your business owns aircraft. If yes, detail all airplanes, airships, hot air balloons and avionic equipment in Part 3.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 5: Section nine asks if you have construction in progress or a holding account. If yes, complete Part D to detail personal property in an in construction progress, including the anticipated date it will enter service.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 6: Section 10 asks if you rent or lease personal property. If yes, detail it in Part E.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 7: Section 12 asks if your premises contain any other personal property which is not yours and is not rented or leased. If yes, complete Part F.
Alabama Business Personal Property Return ADV-40 Step 8: In section 13, indicate with a check mark whether you are a single proprietor, partnership or an Alabama or out-of-state corporation. Note any additional property in section 14. Provide the name and telephone number of a contact person in section 15. Sign and date the form.