Home Emancipation Form EM01-010 Petition for Emancipation

Form EM01-010 Petition for Emancipation

Form EM01-010 Petition for Emancipation



According to RCW 13.64.010, any minor who is 16 years or older and a resident of the state may file with the superior court for emancipation.  All procedures for emancipation are listed with Chapter 13.64. 

While filing for emancipation, you’ll need the following forms:

· WPF EM 01.0100 Petition for Emancipation (PTE)

· WPF EM 01.0200 Notice of Hearing (NTHG)

· WPF EM 01.0300 Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem (ORAPGL)

· WPF EM 01.0400 Decree of Emancipation (DCE)

· WPF EM 01.0500 Order Denying Petition for Emancipation (ORDYMT)

You can locate these forms at the following link: https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/?fa=forms.contribute&formID=17

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 1”

In the heading of the petition, list your name and your date of birth.  The Clerk of Court will fill in the rest.

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 2”

In paragraph 1.1, provide your full legal name, your current address, the date you moved into the address, your full date of birth, and the state and county of your birth. 

You’ll also have to attach a certified copy of your birth certificate.  The certified copy cannot be a photocopy. 

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 3”

In paragraph 1.3, you need to list the full legal name of your parents, legal guardian, or your legal custodian.  You also need to list the last known address of your parents, guardian, or custodian.  If your parents live apart from each other, list both addresses.

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 4”

In paragraph 1.4, you need to provide evidence that you can manage your own financial affairs.  You should consider attaching a statement from your employer. 

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 5”

Paragraph 1.5 states that you’re mature enough to live on your own and manage your personal, social, education, and nonfinancial affairs.  Consider attaching documentation from good-standing community members such as teachers, counselors, etc.

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 6”

Paragraph 1.6 lets you provide any further evidence that may convince the court to grant emancipation.

“Petition for Emancipation (PTE) WPF EM 01.0100 Step 7”

At the bottom of the form, sign and print your name in both locations.  Be aware that there will be filing fees.  You also need to provide your parents or guardian with notification and copies. 

Download the PDF file .