Home Emancipation Form Illinois Petition for Emancipation

Form Illinois Petition for Emancipation

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Form Illinois Petition for Emancipation



There is no statewide petition in the state of Indiana because all 21 judicial districts have their own form.  However, Southern Illinois University provides a generic version of the petition and other required forms that can be filled out and used in each circuit. 

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 1”

Before filling out the Petition, you’ll need to gather the following forms as well:

· Entry of Appearance, Waiver, and Consent

· Notice of Hearing

· Order for Emancipation of a Minor

· Certificate of Mailing of Notice or Hearing

· Certificate of Mailing of Order

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 2”

In the first paragraph, provide your full legal name and your age.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 3”

In the second paragraph, state whether you’re a resident of Illinois, own real estate in Illinois, or you have interest or are a party in a case in Illinois.  Only check one box.  If the first box applies, check that box.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 4”

In the third paragraph, check the box stating partial or complete.  If you check partial your parents will still have some rights over you. 

If you want to become emancipated, you need to explain why.  Are there housing barriers, education barriers, inabilities to enter into contracts because of your age, or more?  If you need more room, write “continued on a separate sheet” at the end of paragraph 3.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 5”

In the fourth paragraph, list the name and address of your parents if they are living.  If you have a guardian or custodian, list their name and address.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 6”

In the sixth paragraph, circle the option you choose in paragraph three for full or partial emancipation.  You’ll also need to state the amount of time you’ve lived apart from your parents.  Circle years, months, or days.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 7”

In paragraph seven, check the same option you chose in paragraph three and six.

“Petition for the Emancipation of a Minor Step 8”

Sign your name on both “Plaintiff” lines.  Print your name below each line. 

Download the PDF file .