Home Divorce Form DIV302 Joint Petition And Decree for Marriage Dissolution Without Children

Form DIV302 Joint Petition And Decree for Marriage Dissolution Without Children

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In Minnesota, divorcing couples without children may jointly file a petition seeking their separation along with a full agreement detailing how they plan to handle all aspects of their divorce. This document is available on the website of the Minnesota state courts system.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 1: Enter the name of the county where your court is located and both parties' names.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 2: Questions one through eight concern various form of information about the marriage and both spouses.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 3: Questions nine through eleven concern benefits programs and legal actions related to the marriage.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 4: Questions twelve through sixteen concern both parties' employment and income.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 5: Section seventeen concerns alimony, while section eighteen allows for spouses to note any name change they wish to assume following divorce.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 6: The agreement section requires spouses to detail the arrangements they have arrived at concerning division of joint property, debts, and insurance coverage.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 7: Sign the agreement before a notary public.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 8: Attachment A requires you to detail the market values of all assets and which spouse will receive each asset.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 9: Attachment B requires you to detail all debts and who will pay each.

Minnesota Joint Petition, Agreement, And Judgment And Decree For Marriage Dissolution Without Children DIV302 Step 10: Attachment C concerns division of real estate.

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