Home Divorce Form Divorce All Forms 1

Form Divorce All Forms 1

Form Divorce All Forms 1



For people who wish to divorce their spouse in Kentucky and have no children, self-representation is an option. The packet of documents discussed here constitutes all the forms possibly needed to file for Kentucky Divorce With No Children and can be obtained from your local courthouse.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 1: Form 1A is a petition for dissolution of marriage, in which you provide information about both parties and your wishes regarding the division of assets, debts and property.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 2: Form 2 is a waiver form that the respondent can file if they do not dispute the facts on the petition submitted by their spouse and agree to waive their right to obtain a lawyer.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 3: Form 2A is a case disclosure form detailing the finances of both parties in the marriage. It is completed with a form certifying that the address for their spouse is accurate to the best of the plaintiff's knowledge.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 4: Form 2C is submitted by the respondent if they do not dispute the details included on the case disclosure form.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 5: Form 3A is a settlement agreement which both spouses can complete jointly if they come to terms on all aspects of their separation.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 6: Form 4 can be submitted by the plaintiff as a deposition summarizing the facts of their marriage.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 7: Form 4A is submitted if the respondent wishes to have their former name restored once a divorce has been granted.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 8: Form 5A is completed by a judge when granting a dissolution of marriage in response to a separation agreement which has been submitted and found reasonable.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 9: Form 6 is submitted when a petitioner wishes for a judge to issue a default judgment without holding a Final Hearing. The next three forms are related to default judgments.

Kentucky Divorce With No Children (Packet) Step 10: The remaining forms all concerns procedural request filed while the case is in the court system.

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