Any person who wishes to file a for divorce in the state of Maine who has children may complete a Form FM-004 to initiate the legal process. This document can be obtained from the website if the Maine court system. While you may complete it at any time, it must be signed in the presence of a court clerk, lawyer or notary public acting as a witness.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 1: Enter the names of the plaintiff and the defendant at the top of the first page where indicated.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 2: In line one, enter the location and date of the wedding.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 3: In line two, enter your current town, county and state of residence.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 4: In line three, enter the same information about your spouse.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 5: In section four, check the box next to the statement concerning the Maine residency status of you and your spouse.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 6: In section five, note any other divorce complaints that have been filed previously during your marriage.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 7: In section six, indicate whether you and your spouse own any real estate.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 8: In section seven, indicate your grounds for divorce.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 9: In section eight (A), list the full names, date of birth and current address of any children in the marriage. List all addresses they have lived at during the last five years and the person who had custody at each residence.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 10: In section eight (B), note any protective legal actions that have been taken. In section eight (c), write the names of any other parties who has custody rights to the children.
Maine Divorce Complaint With Children FM-004 Step 11: In section nine, indicate any public assistance benefits the children have received. Check the boxes next to all actions and rulings you wish the court to make.