Home Divorce Form FM-005 Divorce Complaint without children

Form FM-005 Divorce Complaint without children

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Form FM-005 Divorce Complaint without children



In cases of divorce in Maine where no children are involved, the plaintiff initiating the separation process may file this one-page complaint to initiate legal action. Once this Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children (Form FM-005) is completed, it must be served upon the other party, who will have twenty days to file a response.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 1: At the top of the page, write your name next to "Plaintiff" and that of your spouse next to "Defendant."

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 2: Check the box next to "Title to Real Estate Is Involved" if this is the case.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 3: List the town, county and state in which you were married, and the full date on which the ceremony took place.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 4: In section one, list the town, county and state where you live. In section two, do the same for your spouse.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 5: Section four concerns your right to file a complaint for divorce. Check all statements which apply to the Maine residency status of you and your spouse.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 6: In section five, indicate whether you or your spouse have ever filed against a complaint seeking a divorce or annulment of your marriage previously. If so, provide the location where the complaint was filed and its docket number. Indicate when the case was dismissed or if it is still pending.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 7: In section six, indicate whether you or your spouse own any property, solely or jointly. If so, you must both file and complete a form FM-056.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 8: In section seven, indicate whether you are seeking divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences or for other reasons. If the latter, write the reason where indicated.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 9: Indicate what rulings you would like the court to make. You may request rulings on attorney's fees, alimony, division of property and changing your name once the divorce is completed.

Maine Divorce Complaint Without Children FM-005 Step 10: Sign and date the form. Provide your address and telephone number.

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