Home Divorce Form DRDC10f Petition For Dissolution Of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children

Form DRDC10f Petition For Dissolution Of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children

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Form DRDC10f Petition For Dissolution Of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children



Couples who wish to divorce in Maricopa County, Arizona should file a Form DRDC10f if they do not have a covenant marriage and have children under 19. The form can be obtained from the website of the Superior Court of Maricopa County.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 1: At the top of the form, enter the name and address of the spouse or attorney filing the form.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 2: In section one, enter all information requested about the person filing this petition. In section two, enter all information requested about your spouse.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 3: Section three requires that you enter the date of your marriage and where it took place.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 4: Under section four, indicate with a checkmark that you or your spouse has lived in Arizona for a minimum of 90 days.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 5: Under section five, indicate whether there has been any domestic violence.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 6: Section six concernsl information about children. If the wife is pregnant, note this in section seven.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 7: Sections eight through ten require you to describe all mutual  and separate property, debts and tax returns.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 8: In section eleven, check the box that describes the alimony you are seeking.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 9: In section twelve, note if you have attached a custody agreement.

Maricopa County Petition For Dissolution Of A Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) — With Minor Children DRDC10f Step 10: Under "Requests To The Court," complete all sections relating to your wishes for court rulings.

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