Home Guardianship Form PC651 Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor

Form PC651 Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor

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This form can request a permanent guardianship or a temporary guardianship for the best interests of the minor.  Once the form is completed, it needs submitted to the Probate Court in the county the minor currently resides.  There are other forms required along with this form, so ask the Court Clerk for more information. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 1”

After providing the minor’s full name and social security number, provide the petitioner’s full name and relationship to the minor in part 1. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 2”

In part 2, provide the minor’s date of birth, sex, the county in which they reside, their legal address, and their current address.  If the child is a foreign citizen, check the appropriate box. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 3”

In part 3, check the appropriate box.  If the child is part of a biological member of the tribe, provide the specific name of the tribe on the line provided. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 4”

In part 4, list the name, address, telephone number and relationship of all persons interested in the proceedings of the hearing.  If the mother and/or father is deceased, write “deceased” on the line for the address and telephone number. 

Only fill out the second box if both the mother and father of the minor are deceased.  If possible, list the grandparents first, but if both grandparents are deceased, list the nearest in kin such as siblings. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 5”

If there is not a case involving the minor, do not check the box in part 5.  If there is or was a case, check the box, fill in the necessary court information, and check the appropriate box at the end. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 6”

Parts 6 through 9 are easy to fill out, and make sure all of the appropriate boxes and lines are filled out.  The petitioner(s) needs to provide a date, signature, address, and telephone number. 

“Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor PC651 Step 7”

The minor can nominate the guardian using part 10 if they are 14 years or older.  The attorney representing the minor must provide a signature as well. 

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