Home Employment Form OPM 71 Request for Leave or Approved Absence

Form OPM 71 Request for Leave or Approved Absence

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The OPM 71 form is used for a request for temporary leave from a federal position or for applying for an approved absence.  The OPM 71 form can be found on the Office of Personnel Management website, which we will be using as an example. 

First you must obtain the OPM 71, which can be accessed on the Office of Personnel website or can be obtained from your agency’s human resources department.   
Once you have form, either as a digital copy or printed in hard copy, you must fill out the form providing all of the important information regarding your request for leave.  

1. You must identify your name, social security number, and organization in boxes 1 through 3. 

Next you must fill out box 4, providing in detail the purpose for the requested leave and the time period in which you will be on leave. 

2. You must identify the dates and total hours of your requested leave.

3. You must also select the type of leave which you are applying for. 

If your OPM 71 form request is for a Family and Medical Act leave of absence, you must fill out box 5, invoking your right to the act for a specified reason. 

Box 6 allows you to add any additional comments for your leave, however this is optional.  

After completion, you must certify the form in box 7, providing your signature and the date in which you are requesting your leave. 

6. Submit your OPM 71 form to your supervisor. 

Your supervisor will return your OPM 71 form, indicating whether your request has been approved or denied.  If denied, you will be given a reason why your request was denied. 

7. Any submissions for leave and the decisions are subject to the Privacy Act but can be submitted to further government review as needed.  

Download the PDF file .