Home Probate Information for Respondent in Appointment of Conservator

Information for Respondent in Appointment of Conservator

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The form discussed in this article is provided to a Colorado respondent for whom a conservator has been nominated. This informational document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Colorado Judicial Branch.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 1: The first paragraph explains that when someone requests appointment of a conservator for you, the court wishes to know whether you are impaired or unable to manage your financial affairs.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 2: The second paragraph explains why a court visitor may be appointed to interview you and the proposed conservator and, if so, what will occur.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 3: The third paragraph explains the process for determining whether a conservator is necessary.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 4: The fourth paragraph outlines reasons why a conservator may be appointed other than your age.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 5: The fifth paragraph explains that the conservator will have all powers over your estate and business affairs unless restricted by the court order of appointment.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 6: The sixth paragraph explains that a conservator is also a fiduciary and must observe the attendant standards of care.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 7: The seventh paragraph explains that within 60 days of their appointment, a conservator is required to file with the court for approval an inventory of your property that is subject to the conservatorship, as well as a financial plan for how your assets and income will be distributed and managed. The financial plan must be based on your actual needs and best interests.


Colorado Information For Respondent In Appointment Of A Conservator JDF 798 Step 8: The last paragraph explains that a conservatorship can be terminated or modified by you, the conservator or another interested person filing with the court a petition asserting that your condition has changed and the statutory requirements for the conservatorship as originally established no longer exist.


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