Home Probate Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence and Proof of Publication

Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence and Proof of Publication

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Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence and Proof of Publication





The form discussed in this article is filed by a petitioner in a Colorado probate course who has given notice of a hearing via publication after being unable to locate a person entitled to this notice. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Colorado Judicial Branch.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 1: In the first box, indicate with a check mark whether you are filing in district court or Denver probate court, as well as entering the county in which the court is located and its address.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 2: In the second box, indicate with a check mark whether you are filing "In the interests of" or "In the matter of the estate of" and enter the name of the party concerned.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 3: In the third box, enter the name and address of your attorney, as well as their phone number, email address, fax number and attorney registration number. Those without representation from a lawyer should instead enter their name, address, phone number, fax number and email address.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 4: In the fourth box, enter the case number, division and courtroom.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 5: On the next blank line, enter the title of the pleading.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 6: In the first column of the table provided, enter the name of each person who could not be located.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 7: In the second column, enter the last known address of each person who could not be located.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 8: In the third column, describe the type of efforts made to identify and locate each person who could not be found.


Colorado Affidavit Regarding Due Diligence And Proof Of Publication JDF 714 Step 9: On the next blank line, enter the first date on which notice of hearing by publication was made. Complete the rest of the form as instructed.


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