Home Family Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B

Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B




In Maryland child support cases involving two parents who have shared custody, a worksheet may need to be completed to determine the appropriate support payments for both parties. This article discusses the worksheet to be completed in such instances, which can be found on the website of the Maryland Judiciary.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 1: Enter the city or county in which your case is being heard and the case number at the top of the page.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 2: Enter both parents' names, street addresses and telephone numbers.  


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 3: On line one, enter both parents' monthly actual income. Note alimony paid or received and subtract it to create a monthly adjusted actual income for both parents. Enter this figure in line two along with the combined total.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 4: On line three, divide both parents' adjusted actual income by the total combined income. This will create the percentage share of income for both parents, which should be entered in line three. 


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 5: Consult the state's Child Support Schedule to complete lines four and five.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 6: On line six, enter the number of nights the child spends with each parent.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 7: Multiply line three by line five. Enter the result in line eight. Perform the calculations as instructed in lines nine and ten to determine the basic child support obligation for each parent.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 8: In line 11, detail all expenses as categorized. If necessary, complete worksheet C to detail additional expenses. Enter this amount on line twelve.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 9: Transfer the amount from line ten to line 13. 


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 10: Perform the calculations as directed on line 14 to determine the recommended child support order. 


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 11: Enter any miscellaneous information where indicated.


Maryland Child Support Guidelines Worksheet B DR35 Step 12: Sign and date the form.

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