Home Family Form FM-040A Child Support Worksheet

Form FM-040A Child Support Worksheet

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Form FM-040A Child Support Worksheet





In Maine family court cases involving child support, one or both parties may need to complete a child support worksheet. This article discusses this document, which is available on the website maintained by the Maine Courts system.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 1: Enter the docket number assigned to your case and both parties' names. 


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 2: In response to section one, indicate which party is the primary care provider. Give the names and dates of birth of all children on whose behalf you are seeking support.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 3: In section three, give both parties' gross income. 


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 4: In section four, list both parties' other financial obligations, such as alimony payments and support payments for other children. 


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 5: Total the obligations listed in section four in section five, and subtract this amount from section three. This will create your adjusted yearly gross income, which should be entered in section six.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 6: In section seven, follow the instructions to calculate both spouses' share of gross income.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 7: In sections eight through 11, list weekly support payments that should be made, as well as childcare and medical expenses.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 8: In section 12 and 13, perform the calculations indicated in order to determine your support obligation.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 9: The person preparing the form should sign and date it.


Maine Child Support Worksheet FM-040A Step 10: A supplemental worksheet should be attached and completed if parents have divided care responsibilities equally.

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