Home Family Form JD-FM-161

Form JD-FM-161

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Form JD-FM-161

The Connecticut Petition for Child Custody is the form required for Colorado residents seeking custody of their children through the court.  This petition must be filed in order to obtain a court order for child custody in the state of Colorado  
The Connecticut Petition for Child Custody can be obtained by searching online or through the state court.  
The form can be used for petitioning a court for either custody or visitation rights of children. 
1. First, fill out the court and case information at the top of the page, including the names of the petitioner and respondent. 
2. On lines 1 through 3, identify the relationship of the petitioner and respondent to the children and identified what you want the court to order.  Include the names of the children involved in the grid on line 3, including each child's birth date and parent information.
3. Provide the reason why Connecticut has jurisdiction of the case in line 4.  You must select at least one of the reasons listed and check all appropriate boxes that apply to your case. 
4. If you are not the mother or father of the children but still want custody or visitation rights, you must indicate your relationship to the child on lines 5 through 7.  You will also need to supply an explanation as to why you should be granted custody or visitation over the wishes of the parents of the child. 
5. Child support can also be sought using this petition.  Fill out lines 8 and 9 if you are seeking child support.  Otherwise, you may leave this portion blank. 
6. At the bottom of the form, check the box that indicates what you are requesting form the court.  You may check more than one box and the court will decide the best way to allocate custody and visitation.  
7. Finally, certify the petition by signing your name and providing your contact information.  The court will contact you when a decision is reached and you may be required to go through further steps to get your child custody issues resolved.  

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