Home Family Form FL-355

Form FL-355

Form FL-355

The California Petition for Child Custody is the form required for California residents seeking custody of their children through the court.  This petition must be filed in order to obtain a court order for child custody in the state of California.  
The California Petition for Child Custody can be obtained by searching online or through the state court.  
The form should be used for situations when two parties agree to stipulate to custody of a child.  If the custody is contested or consent cannot be given by one party, a different form will need to be used. 
1. First, fill out the case caption information at the top of the form.  Provide your name and contact information or the name and contact information of your representative. 
2. Provide the name of the court and the court's address in the second box. 
3. Write in the names of the petitioner, the respondent, and any third parties involved in the case.
4. Provide the case number in the box on the bottom right of the case caption.
5.  Read lines 1 through 4 and ensure that you are in full agreement about the custody of the children.  You must attach a document which gives a comprehensive plan for custody.  Additional forms may be necessary to attach to complete the California petition for child custody.
6. Each party in the matter must sign and date the form.  If attorney representation or third parties are involved in the case, they must sign as well. 
7. Once completed, the form is ready for submission along with all attached custody plans to the court.  
8. The court will provide a ruling on the bottom portion of the form, which will inform you of the next steps you will need to take in order to resolve your child custody issues.  

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