Home Business Form UNRR-1 Application For Name Reservation

Form UNRR-1 Application For Name Reservation

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Form UNRR-1 Application For Name Reservation




You can use this form to reserve a name for a for-profit corporation, non-profit corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or a limited liability partnership in the state of New Jersey.  Refer to Title 14A, 15A, 42:2A, 42:2B, and 42:1 for specific statutes on the formation of these companies. 


“Application for Name Reservation UNRR-1 Step 1”

Check the appropriate box in the first section of this form.  If you’re certain you can reserve the name of the business, write the business name in the space provided below the boxes. 


“Application for Name Reservation UNRR-1 Step 2”

Instead of requesting one name, you can also choose preferred names from least to greatest.  List the most preferred name next to number 1, and the third-most preferred name next to number 3.  After receiving this form, the Division of Revenue will check the availability of the most preferred name.


“Application for Name Reservation UNRR-1 Step 3”

The applicant needs to provide their street address, full name, title, and signature in the next set of lines.  The applicant needs to make sure to provide a date beside the signature.  If someone else prepared this document, they need to provide their signature and information.


“Application for Name Reservation UNRR-1 Step 4”

The filing fee for this form is $50.  Make the check payable to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey.  After you complete the form, make a copy if the company is for-profit.  Make two copies of the company is nonprofit.  Mail the completed forms to the following address:


NJ Division of Revenue

PO Box 308

Trenton, NJ 08646


If you’re faxing the forms, your filing fees will increase because of expedited service.  Use the following fax number: (609) 984-6851.


“Application for Name Reservation UNRR-1 Step 5”

If the Division of Revenue accepts the name reservation, the name remains reserved for a maximum of 120 days.  The reservation can be transferred or cancelled, and you should contact the Division of Revenue for more information. 

Download the PDF file .