Use this form to establish a for-profit corporation in the state of Kansas. You’re encouraged to consult with an attorney while completing this form.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 1”
Enter the proposed name of the corporation in section 1 of this form. Make sure the name meets requirements under K.S.A. 17-6002. The name of the corporation needs to contain one of following designations: company, corporation, association, church, college, club, foundation, fund, incorporated, institute, society, union, university, syndicate, limited, co., corp., inc., or ltd.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 2”
State the name and street address of the registered agent for the corporation in section 2. If the registered agent is a business entity, they must be filed under the Secretary of State.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 3”
Provide the mailing address for the corporation’s registered office in section 3. All future documents are sent to this address.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 4”
Indicate the tax closing month in section 4. Then, provide the overall purpose of the corporation in section 5. Make sure the purpose is legal within the state of Kansas.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 5”
The corporation needs at least one share of stock in the state of Kansas. Provide the total number of shares, class, and part value of each type of type of stock in section 6. If necessary, list the designations, powers, right, or limitations for the board of directors in the last part of section 6.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 6”
Enter the name and mailing address of each incorporator in section 7. Attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. Next, list the name and mailing address for each member on the board of directors if the powers of the incorporator dissolve once the document is filed. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 7”
Check the appropriate box in section 9 indicating the duration of the corporation. Then, check the appropriate box in section 10 for the effective date of this application.
“For-Profit Articles of Incorporation CF 51-01 Step 8”
Each incorporators needs to sign and date the bottom of this form. Include a filing fee of $90 and send the documents and fee to the address in the upper right-hand corner of this document.