Home Bankruptcy Chapter 12 Individual or Joint Debtor Family Farmer

Chapter 12 Individual or Joint Debtor Family Farmer

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Chapter 12 bankruptcy proceedings consolidate debts and create a payment plan for family farmers and fishermen. The Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines form is completed by the clerk of the bankruptcy court where these proceedings are unfolding. A copy of the form may be obtained from the United States courts website but is not for use by debtors or creditors.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 1: The clerk will enter the number and district of the court where the case is unfolding.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 2: The clerk will enter the name of the debtor who filed for Chapter 12. Alternately, if an involuntary petition for bankruptcy against the debtor was filed by creditors and converted to Chapter 12, the original case number will be listed here.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 3: The name and address of the debtor will be entered, as well as their case number, their attorney's name and address, and the name and address of their creditor.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 4: A meeting will be set to question debtors about their dates. The time and date for this meeting will be listed. Creditors are permitted but not obligated to attend.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 5: The deadline to file a proof of claim for debts will be listed, along with the date to submit an objection to the dismissal of any debts a creditor believes cannot be discharged under bankruptcy law.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 6: The clerk of the bankruptcy court will sign and date the form.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 7: Copies of this form will be submitted to all known creditors. A "proof of claim" form may be attached. Creditors must submit this form in order to collect their debts.


Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors & Deadlines Step 8: If a proof of claim form is not attached, creditors will need to obtain one from the bankruptcy court in question.

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