Home Employment SNA-1009A Work Activity Report

SNA-1009A Work Activity Report

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SNA-1009A Work Activity Report





Arizona residents employed in the state's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training Program are required to complete a form SNA-1009A documenting their work activity on a weekly basis. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Arizona Department of Economic Security.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 1: In the first blank box, enter your last name, first name and middle initial.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 2: In the second blank box, enter your JAS ID number.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 3: In the third blank box, enter the date of the week for which you are reporting.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 4: In the fourth blank box, enter your supervising specialist's name.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 5: In the fifth blank box, enter your supervising specialist's phone number.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 6: In the sixth blank box, enter your supervising specialist's fax number.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 7: In the seventh blank box, enter your supervising specialist's email address.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 8: The table below requires to document the number of hours spent per day on activities pertaining to the program. The first line concerns hours spent conducting a job search.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 9: The second line concerns hours spent on job readiness training.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 10: The third line concerns hours spent on education and training.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 11: The fourth line concerns hours spent on homework.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 12: The fifth line concerns hours spent on gaining work experience.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 13: The sixth line concerns hours spent in employment.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 14: The last line is for documentation other related activities. Specify the activity being conducted where indicated.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 15: For each line where indicated, the official activity site member's name should be printed and signed.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 16: Enter miscellaneous comments where indicated.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 17: Document job search activities as directed on the second page.


Arizona Work Activity Report SNA-1009A Step 18: Sign and date the first page.

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