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Schedule B – Personal Property


Introduction to the Form B-6B Schedule B- Personal Property

This video tutorial will assist you in the process of both accessing and completing the Form B-6b, which pertains to personal property in a bankruptcy case. This form requires you to list all personal property of whatever kind; if you possess no property in one or more of the categories, you are required to place an “X” in the appropriate position in the column labeled “none.”

If additional space is required in any category, you are required to attach a separate sheet identified with the case name, case number and the number of the appropriate category. If you are married, you must state whether the husband, wife, both of you or the marital community is the party who owns the property; you are required to label the filing by placing an “H”, “W”, “J” or “C” in the column labeled “Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community.” If you are filing as an individual or if a joint petition is filed, you must state the amount of any exemptions claimed on in Schedule C of the petition. 

Accessing the Form B-6B Schedule B- Personal Property

Typically, you will be required to furnish your Form B-6B Schedule B- Personal Property – in addition to any or all supplemental forms – to the bankruptcy court applicable to the jurisdiction within which you reside; upon contacting your jurisdictional bankruptcy court, you can access a Form B-6B Schedule B- Personal Property, as well as supplemental bankruptcy forms required with regard to your specific circumstance. 

The Form B-6B Schedule B- Personal Property Filing Process

The Form B-6B Schedule B for personal property consists of three pages; each page contains 3 columns of questions that pertain to your personal property. The columns will inquire as to the type of property in which you are filing, the description and location of the property and the current value of your interest in the property minus any secured claims or exemptions that may exist.

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