Home Probate Application to Sell Personal Property

Application to Sell Personal Property





The form discussed in this article is filed by an Ohio fiduciary administering an estate to request authorization to sell personal property. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Ohio Supreme Court.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 1: Enter the name of the county in which the probate court is located on the first blank line.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 2: Enter the name of the estate on the second blank line.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 3: Enter the case number on the third blank line.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 4: Place a check mark next to the first statement if the sale is before the expiration of the time within which the surviving spouse may elect to take at appraised value. If so, check the next statement if the surviving spouse consents to this sale or has waived their right notice of thereof. If not applicable, check the next statement if the surviving spouse does not consent to this sale. If not applicable, check the next statement if the property is not perishable and the surviving spouse is entitled to notice of sale.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 5: Check the next box if need to include any special allegations or information. Enter these where indicated.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 6: Enter your signature on the next blank line.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 7: The bottom of the first page provides space for the decedent's surviving spouse or other interested persons to provide their signatures, indicating that they waive their right to notice and consent of the proposed sale.


Ohio Application To Sell Personal Property 9.0 Step 8: In the table on the top half of the second page, detail the personal property for sale. Enter the item in the first column. Indicate whether the sale will be private or public in the second column. Indicate whether the price will be fixed or best offered in the third column. Indicate whether payment will be in cash or on terms in the fourth column. Submit the form to the court for approval. 


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