Use this form to begin the process of forming a limited liability company in New York State. The form is fairly easy to complete, but there are steps to takes after submitting the form as well. An attorney can help you with any questions about the form or procedures.
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 1”
State the name of the limited liability company on the first line of the document and the line under Article I. Make sure the name has a designation required by the state, and make sure the name is not already reserved or active in the state. Use the following website to check the name’s availability, and complete a name reservation form before completing the Articles of Organization:
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 2”
In Article II, provide the county where the primary office of the limited liability company is located.
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 3”
Article III states the Secretary of State acts as the agent for the limited liability company in a service of process. Article III also asks for the address where the Secretary of State should send a copy of the process against the company.
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 4”
An organizer needs to sign the bottom of the first page and print their name beside the signature. Then, provide the name of the limited liability company at the top of the second page. Make sure to include the name and mailing address of the filer on the second page as well.
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 5”
The filing fee for this form is $200. Make the check payable to Department of State and send the forms to the address at the top of this form.
“Articles of Organization DOS-1336 Step 6”
New York requires the limited liability company to publish the articles of organization or notice in two different newspapers within 120 days after the articles of organization become effective. The clerk of court in the county of the limited liability’s office location will usually specify appropriate newspapers.
After the publication is complete, the publisher will send an affidavit to the limited liability company. The affidavits and a Certificate of Publication need submitted to the address at the top of this form.