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Form RSA DDR Direct Deposit Authorization

Form RSA DDR Direct Deposit Authorization





Alabama enrollees in the state Retirement Systems can use the form discussed in this article to authorize the direct deposit of benefits in their bank account. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Retirement Systems of Alabama.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 1: Enter your Social Security number on the first blank line.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 2: Indicate whether the benefit recipient is a retiree or a beneficiary of a deceased retiree or member with a check mark.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 3: On the second blank line, enter your name.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 4: On the next three blank lines, enter your full address.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 5: On the next blank line, enter your daytime phone number.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 6: On the next blank line, enter your email address.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 7: Check the first box if drawing benefits from the Teachers' Retirement System.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 8: Check the second box if drawing benefits from the Employees' Retirement System.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 9: Check the third box if drawing benefits from the PEIRAF system.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 10: Check the fourth box if drawing benefits from the Judicial Retirement Fund.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 11: Check the fifth box if drawing benefits from an RSA-1 account. This can only be authorized for an annual or monthly distribution.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 12: The next section is for joint financial institution account holders only.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 13: The benefit recipient should enter their signature on the first blank line at the bottom of the page.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 14: Enter the date on the second blank line.


Alabama Direct Deposit Authorization RSA DDR Step 15: The second page concerns your financial institution and should be completed by a recipient of this institution. They should enter the benefit recipient's name, Social Security number, depositor account number, bank routing number, financial institution name and mailing address, and indicate the type of account with a check mark.


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Form TRS SMS 90-528 Statement of Military Service

Form TRS SMS 90-528 Statement of Military Service





Active and contributing members of the Retirement Systems of Alabama with a minimum of 10 years service credit under this system may use the form discussed in this article to purchase up to four years of active duty military service credit based upon an honorable discharge. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Retirement Systems of Alabama.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 1: Enter your name on the first blank line.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 2: Enter your Social Security number on the second blank line.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 3: Enter your street address or P.O. box number on the third blank line.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 4: Enter your city, state and zip code on the fourth blank line.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 5: Check the first statement if you are receiving no benefits for your military service.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 6: Check the second statement if you are receiving a service retirement benefit from a branch of the Armed Forces.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 7: Check the third statement if you are receiving a service retirement benefit based partially on military service from a branch of the Armed Forces. Specify the branch.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 8: Check the fourth statement if you are receiving disability retirement benefits from a branch of the Armed Forces.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 9: Check the fifth statement if you are receiving disability retirement benefits based partially on military service from a branch of the Armed Services. Specify the branch.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 10: Check the sixth box if you received an honorable discharge.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 11: Check the seventh box if you did not receive an honorable discharge.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 12: Enter your signature on the next blank line.


Alabama Statement Of Military Service TRS SMS 90-528 Step 13: Enter the date on the last blank line. Have the form certified by a notary public.


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Form RSA-1 EMERG Financial Hardship Distribution Request

Form RSA-1 EMERG Financial Hardship Distribution Request





When Alabama public employees enrolled in the state-administered RSAI-1 deferred compensation plan experience an unexpected financial hardship, they may used the form discussed in this article to request an emergency distribution from their funds. Such withdrawals are permitted only to the extent reasonably needed to resolve the emergency situation. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Retirement Systems of Alabama.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 1: On the first blank line, enter your first name, middle or maiden name and last name.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 2: On the second blank line, enter your street address or P.O. box number.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 3: On the third blank line, enter your city, state and zip code.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 4: On the fourth blank line, enter your Social Security number.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 5: On the fifth blank line, enter your phone number.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 6: On the sixth blank line, enter your date of birth.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 7: On the seventh blank line, enter your employer's name and address.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 8: Skip to the second page. Here, a space is provided for you to explain the full nature of your emergency. If necessary, you may attach additional sheets. Documentation must be attached to substantiate your request. Qualifying financial hardships include sudden and unexpected illness or accident, loss of property due to flood, fire or windstorm, or other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising from events beyond your control.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 9: Return to the first page. Enter your signature and the date where indicated.


Alabama Financial Hardship Distribution Request RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan RSA-1 EMERG Step 10: Appear before a notary public, who will affix their seal to certify this form.


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TRS SMS 90-528, Military Service Purchase Act

TRS SMS 90-528, Military Service Purchase Act


Any active contributing member of the Retirement Systems of Alabama who has a service credit of 10 years or more may purchase up to four years of active duty military service provided they received an honorable discharge. You are not eligible to do so if in receipt of a service connected military retirement credit. You may apply to purchase this service using a form TRS SMS 90-528, found on the website maintained by the Retirement Systems of Alabama.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 1: On the first blank line, enter your name.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 2: On the second blank line, enter your Social Security number.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 3: On the third blank line, enter your street address or PO box number.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 4: On the fourth blank line, enter your city, state and zip code.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 5: Check the first box if receiving no benefit in connection with military service.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 6: Check the second box if receiving a service retirement benefit from a branch of the armed forces.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 7: Check the third box if receiving a service retirement benefit based partially on military service from a non-armed forces source. Enter the name of this source in the blank provided.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 8: Check the fourth box if receiving a disability retirement benefit from an armed forces branch.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 9: Check the fifth box if receiving a disability retirement benefit from a non-armed forces source. Enter the name of this source in the blank provided.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 10: Indicate with a checkmark whether your discharge was honorable or other.
Alabama Statement Of Military Service Act 90-528 TRS SMS 90-528 Step 11: Sign and date the form before a notary public.

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